Thursday, February 12, 2009

Google Ends Program to Sell Radio Ads

Is Google getting too big for its britches? Sort of seems that way, after announcing today in its blog that it will be ending the Google Audio Ads program that began in 2006.

The New York Times reports:
Audio Ads is the second offline advertising initiative that Google has shut down in as many months. In January, Google pulled the plug on its Print Ads program, which sold advertisements in newspapers.

Another, more ambitious, program to sell ads on television continues for now. Ms. Wojcicki said that Google would continue to invest in it.

A few months back I posted an article about the FCC allowing Google to use the unlicensed vacant television airwaves that remain after the coming switch to digital.

It remains to be seen if Google will be able to jump offline and really make any kind of splash in traditional media.

(Courtesy of Google and NY Times)

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