Tuesday, July 1, 2008

SPECIAL: New York #1 Newspaper Network

Hello all!

Starting this week, the New York #1 newspaper network is running a frequent-buyer summer special. If you schedule and run an ad for 4 consecutive weeks, you get $90 OFF the regular weekly rate! This is not limited to new customers, so you can run this special over and over again!

Newspaper networks, as I’ve posted before, are a cost-effective way to advertise in hundreds of newspapers with only one phone call and one payment. NY #1 is one of the best networks I can offer, reaching homes across the state of New York through weekly community newspapers, free weekly papers, and shopper publications. Weekly papers have a longer shelf life than dailies, and many times are used specifically to scan the classified ads!

Here are the basics:

- 7.3 million circulation in free weekly newspapers across the state
- Regular one-time 15 word classified ad cost - $495 per week
- YOUR one-time 15 word classified ad cost - $475 per week
- YOUR four-time 15 word classified ad cost - $405 per week
**Each additional word is $15
- Holiday Deadline: Thursday, July 3rd at noon EASTERN time to run week of 7/13
- Regular Deadline: Friday at noon (9 days prior to week of publication)

Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have questions or would like more information. I am always here to help!


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