Friday, November 13, 2009

The Eternal Struggle: Miracle Whip vs. Stephen Colbert

OK, "eternal struggle" is probably pushing it, but as sandwich condiment debates run, this is epic.

A few weeks ago on the Colbert Report, TV faux pundit Stephen Colbert picked a fight with Miracle Whip. Specifically, he poked fun at a new commercial targeted toward a younger crowd, claiming that Miracle Whip "will not tone it down."

Colbert, so offended by the so-called mayonay-sayers, created his own commercial extolling the virtues of mayonnaise. (Check it out here!)

Well, in the struggle for sandwich spread supremacy, the MW marketing team made a smart move by publishing an open letter in a number of newspapers calling out Colbert for his recent attacks and announcing they were buying airtime to run multiple ads during last night's episode of the Report:

Awesome. Not only does the BOLD MW marketing team understand the value of Colbert's quips, they see the value in engaging his audience in an ongoing mock debate about whether mayo or Miracle Whip is better.

Colbert banks on his viewers to do his bidding (as Colbert Nation has recently become a sponsor of US Speed Skating and is raising donations on the CN website) and true to form, he addressed the Great Mayo Debate on last night's episode. Here's the video:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Miracle Whip Buys Ad Space
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorU.S. Speedskating

(Courtesy of Comedy Central and YouTube)

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