Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yahoo! and Microsoft to Challenge Google Search?

Yahoo! will soon be using the bing search technology to power it's own searches, but only on the back end. This means Microsoft will have a bigger share of online search (about 30% of the market), and be positioned to take on search giant Google.

So if you've been optimizing and marketing your website with Google and thinking you're all set - think again. Even though Google controls much of the internet search today, this Yahoo/Microsoft partnership opens the door for some real competition.

Michael Learmonth of Advertising Age writes:

Turning up on the first page of organic search results when someone types your product or brand into a keyword box is pretty much the cost of entry for any substantial e-commerce entity or marketer. And for the past decade or so that's meant pretty much one thing: optimize your site for Google, maybe a tweak or two for Yahoo, and everything else, well, didn't matter all that much.

"If you were well-optimized for Google, you were pretty much set, because it means you were well-optimized for everyone else out there," said John Ragals, chief operating officer of digital agency 360i. "The gap wasn't significant enough to warrant the extra investment."

But Bing is quite a bit different from Google and Yahoo, both in the way it ranks pages and the way it presents results on the page. And if search becomes more of a two-player market, it could mean a return to the late '90s, when it was common for marketers to create separate pages optimized for Yahoo, Google, Lycos and AltaVista, and as they do now for the iPhone or other mobile devices.

"You'd effectively have two pages, one for Google and one for Bing," said Danny Sullivan, editor of If all goes according to plan, Yahoo will make the switch to Bing's organic search results in the third quarter of next year, and then fold in Bing's paid search results soon after.

Other interesting reading on the subject (links directly to article):

Yahoo! still intends to compete with Microsoft on internet search
Yahoo unveils new features
Microsoft, Yahoo's next battle: Antitrust probe

(Courtesy of
AdAge,, San Francisco Chronicle, and Chicago Tribune)

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