Thursday, July 16, 2009

Shark Week, Long John Silver's, & Hammerheads

So Long John Silver's is promoting it's new fish tacos by buying up a ton of ads on the Shark Week microsite at

According to the article in MediaWeek:

“Long John Silver’s partnership with is a unique opportunity to organically marry two brands with strong commitments to quality,” said LJS senior marketing director John Villanueva, by way of announcing the deal. “It’s a playful, creative fit.”
Sure, it's a cute move, but honestly? Fast food fish has always given me the jibblies...

Fun side note, the Shark Week website has a quiz that will tell you what type of shark you are. Here's what I got:

You're like a... Hammerhead Shark!

You may be goofy, but don’t think other sea creatures aren’t aware of you! You like to swim in large schools, and your sleek and slender figure lets you get up to speeds of 25 mph. You are normally calm unless provoked, and you usually feed around dusk. You like to live in tropical climates with warm waters, and most of your litters have up to 25 little sharks!

Hey, what a coinkidink! I DO usually feed around dusk...

(Courtesy of MediaWeek and Discovery Channel)

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